One of my latest listings went under contract a day before it went live in the MLS. We’re all doing a happy dance! However, it doesn’t really take zero days to get this result, even in this “seller’s market”. We started prepping this home for sale back in January, first by having my super handyman come by and do some painting and fixing, many moving parts in between, there might have been a dumpster involved with the sellers, a landscaper, cleaner, then finally my Chief Pretty Officer and I came by and staged it for the finishing touches before the professional photographs were taken and floor plans were drawn. It is definitely a team effort from day one between the sellers, us, the kids, the pets and multiple tradespeople who make our listings shine. I recently started “bribing” the teens in my listings, as I had two coming on at once and teens don’t like change, or bed making, so I thought a nice note and basket of candy would get good results, and it did! The kids got into it and appreciated the new way of living lean and putting things away. When I wrote this note to them, I described myself as the coach of Team Home Sale. I have to motivate everyone to keep the goal in sight, because keeping your house in “show ready condition” frankly, is exhausting! Then you have to keep it that way after you get the buyer. We sell a home 3 times: To the buyer, the inspector and then the appraiser. This process can take a few weeks, so I keep you motivated to stay on track and get that price you want and get to closing!
So again, although you may see a home under contract super fast, realize that months of prep certainly goes into this result and I’m helping you each step of the way. Would you like a similar home selling experience? Email me to become my next savvy seller.
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